Relieve some stress!!
Give your child a block of plasticine
Come back and see what he/she did thirty minutes later to see what he/she will grow up to be :)
Child makes plasticine into balls, cubes-- teacher
Child makes plasticine into houses,buildings--architect
Child makes plasticine into animal shapes--vet,animal related jobs
Child asks why he/she was given plasticine,talks about plasticine,describes plasticine, but nothing was done to plasticine--lawyer
Child makes plasticine into food shapes, or tries to eat plasticine--cook
Plasticine has disappeared after you come back, child denies given plasticine,asks you for more plasticine, you got convinced-- businessman
Child takes plasticine and divides into half and gives half back to you so that you can play with him/her--non profit organisations
Child talks to plasticine and asks plasticine about its day and its hopes and dreams-- psychiatrist
Child tries to listen to plasticine for a heartbeat, tries to make it live again-- doctor/scientist
Child carves words on plasticine--author